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Sebastian Pena Lambarri

Collective governance

Growing an alliance

BCA is a group of scientists, academics, conservation practitioners, and standard setters, with direct links to Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities on our Communities Advisory Panel (CAP). With the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) a Task Force member, BCA also embraces participation from the private sector. BCA is dynamic, open, and growing, and welcomes new members.

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Adriana Dinu

BCA’s Governance


The BCA Secretariat facilitates BCA operations and coordinates BCA work streams through the Working Groups, Task Force, Communities Advisory Panel and Forum. The Secretariat is facilitated by UNDP and UNEP FI.
The BCA Secretariat facilitates BCA operations and coordinates BCA work streams through the Working Groups, Task Force, Communities Advisory Panel and Forum. The Secretariat is facilitated by UNDP and UNEP FI.

The BCA Task Force (TF) currently comprises 20 members who are primary reviewers of concepts developed by BCA Working Groups. TF is made up of institutions actively engaged in biodiversity credit related work. These include methodology developers, standard setters, academic and research institutions, along with representatives of the Communities Advisory Panel (CAP). TF is also the decision-making body and the main working organ of BCA. Membership is on an institutional basis and is voluntary, with no financial remuneration.
The BCA Task Force (TF) currently comprises 20 members who are primary reviewers of concepts developed by BCA Working Groups. TF is made up of institutions actively engaged in biodiversity credit related work. These include methodology developers, standard setters, academic and research institutions, along with representatives of the Communities Advisory Panel (CAP). TF is also the decision-making body and the main working organ of BCA. Membership is on an institutional basis and is voluntary, with no financial remuneration.

Full and effective engagement with Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities at the frontline of the nature crisis should be central to any nature market strategy. CAP (Communities Advisory Panel) is a specialist panel which allows BCA to consult with and learn from Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities.
Community Advisory Panel
Full and effective engagement with Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities at the frontline of the nature crisis should be central to any nature market strategy. CAP (Communities Advisory Panel) is a specialist panel which allows BCA to consult with and learn from Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities.

BCA Working Groups are established to define and develop relevant concepts to assist the formulation of a transparent and trusted market in biodiversity credits. Members of working groups may include representatives from Forum, Task Force and CAP, as well as partner organizations when their expertise is required.
Working Groups
BCA Working Groups are established to define and develop relevant concepts to assist the formulation of a transparent and trusted market in biodiversity credits. Members of working groups may include representatives from Forum, Task Force and CAP, as well as partner organizations when their expertise is required.

The BCA Forum is a global, multi-disciplinary, advisory group, comprised of institutional members who share the vision and mission of the BCA. Forum members contribute to and benefit from work done by the BCA, meeting every six weeks via webinar. Forum membership is broad-based, comprising an expanding group of over 400 organizations. The full list of Forum members can be viewed below.
The BCA Forum is a global, multi-disciplinary, advisory group, comprised of institutional members who share the vision and mission of the BCA. Forum members contribute to and benefit from work done by the BCA, meeting every six weeks via webinar. Forum membership is broad-based, comprising an expanding group of over 400 organizations. The full list of Forum members can be viewed below.

BCA Task Force Members

Conservation International
Rebalance Earth
Plan Vivo
Organization for biodiversity certificates
The HBAR Foundation
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Nature Finance Pioneers
University of Nottingham
Climate Impact Partners
Environmental Policy Innovation Centre
Forum members
  • 15. juni fonden
  • 1MTN
  • 7 Generations LLC
  • AAE
  • Abatable
  • abundant Earth
  • Accounting for Nature
  • aDryada
  • African Biodiversity Alliance
  • African Leadership University, School of Wildlife Conservation
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  • African Parks
  • AirForestry AB
  • AIT
  • Alliance Ecology Ltd
  • Alvéole
  • Amakali Conservation
  • Amazon Investor Coalition
  • American Bird Conservancy
  • American-Malagasy Chocolate (AMCHO)
  • AMES Foundation
  • Anthesis Group
  • Arauco
  • Arbor Day Foundation
  • Archireef Limited
  • Artenglueck
  • Article 13
  • Atkins
  • Atmoz AB
  • AusBioEnergy Pty Ltd
  • AWE For Nature
  • Bain & Company
  • Banca de Inversión Sostenible
  • Basin Natural Capital
  • Bella Biochar Corporation
  • Belterra Institute of Innovation and Sustainability
  • BeZero Carbon Ltd
  • BGCI
  • BioCarbon Standard
  • Biodiversify
  • Biologic Environmental Survey
  • Bionua
  • Biosfera Austral
  • BioVers
  • BlockCarbon
  • Blockchain Laboratories
  • Bloom Labs
  • bloomUp
  • Blue Duck Station
  • Blue Finance
  • Blue Marine Foundation
  • Blue ocean thoughts ltd
  • BMO Radicle
  • Boosterra Technologies OU
  • Bosque Biodiverso S.A.
  • Bridge Sustainability
  • BTG Pactual
  • C Level
  • C Minds
  • C-Quest Capital
  • C4 Ecosolutions
  • Canadian Space Agency
  • CAP
  • Carbon Cycle Chain
  • Carbon Fintech Ltd
  • Carbon Growth Partners
  • Carbon Market Solutions Ltd
  • Carbon Neutral
  • Carbon Rewild
  • Carbontribe Labs OÜ
  • Carbonz
  • Cassinia
  • Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies (CEMACS), Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • Cercarbono
  • City of London Corporation
  • ClearBlue Markets
  • Climas llc
  • Climate Collective
  • Climate Farmers
  • Climate Impact Partners
  • ClimateTrade
  • ClimeCo
  • COBI
  • CollectiveCrunch
  • Compassionate Carbon
  • conservation capital
  • Conservation Finance Alliance
  • Conservation International
  • Conservation Investment Management
  • Conservation Metrics, Inc.
  • Conservation Science Collaborative
  • Conservation Strategy Fund
  • Conserve Global
  • Cooperativa Agraria de Servicios Multiples Sur Oriente
  • Cornell University
  • Credit Nature
  • Crowther Lab
  • Cultivo
  • Cultivocean
  • CyberTracker Conservation
  • Défenseur des Droits Humains des Peuples Autochtones
  • Dhun Life Private Limited
  • Dorr Asset Management
  • Dots Eco Ltd
  • Dunkelgrün
  • Duxton Capital Australia
  • Earth Acre
  • Earth Analytics Group
  • Earth Recovery Partners
  • EarthAcre
  • Earthly
  • EBRD
  • Eco System Services
  • Eco-index
  • Eco-Markets Australia
  • Ecoacsa Reserva de Biodiversidad S.l.
  • EcoAdvisors 
  • Ecofix Natural Capital
  • Ecogain
  • Ecological Society of America
  • ECOncrete Tech
  • Ecosphere+
  • Ekos
  • Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT)
  • ENS Africa
  • Environment Bank
  • Environmental Policy Innovation Center
  • ePioneers
  • Equator Impact Limited
  • EQX
  • ESG Green Global Ltd
  • Ethos
  • ETIFOR Benefit Corporation
  • European Investment Bank
  • Fair Carbon
  • Fauna & Flora International
  • Federated Hermes Limited
  • Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations
  • Finance Earth
  • Finance for Biodiversity Foundation
  • First Climate AG
  • FirstRand Group
  • Floating Island International (FII)
  • Forest Carbon
  • ForestCalling
  • Forico
  • Former Governor of the Kamentsa People
  • Francis Badii Professional Consultancy Services
  • French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity (FRB)
  • FSD Africa
  • Fundación Cataruben
  • Fundacion Ecotropics Colombia
  • Funga
  • Future Forest Initiative
  • Future State
  • Geospatial Research Institute (GRI), University of Canterbury/ Eco-index
  • GGF Africa
  • GHG Accounting
  • Glas Future
  • Global Environmental Alliance
  • Gold Standard
  • Great Yellow
  • Green Belt ltd
  • Green Digital Finance Alliance (GDFA)
  • Green Funded Initiatives
  • Green Initiative International
  • Green Transformation and Sustainability Network
  • GreenBiz Group
  • GreenCollar
  • Greener Tokens
  • Greensway
  • Greensway (Ecology consultancy)
  • GroundUp
  • Habitat
  • Habitat Alliance
  • Hamerkop Climate Impats ltd
  • HBAR Fund
  • HCV Network
  • Highlands Rewilding
  • Hjorth-Falsted Advisory
  • Holmstone
  • Hongwe Association
  • Hula Earth
  • IIED
  • IIFB
  • IISAAK Olam Foundation
  • IMD
  • Impact Earth
  • Indigenous Peoples and Biodiversity Program / Phils. National Program, Tebtebba (Indigenous Peoples’ International Centre for Policy Research and Education)
  • Indika Nature
  • Innovate 4 Nature
  • Innpact
  • Institut de la Finance Durable – Paris Europlace
  • International Emissions Trading Association (IETA)
  • Intrinsic Exchange Group
  • Inverto Earth
  • InvestConservation®
  • ITMO
  • IUCN
  • Jahnke Insights, LLC
  • Japan Impact Investment Network (J-IIN)
  • JS Global Advisory
  • Kaleka
  • Kanop
  • Kennemer Eco Solutions (KenEco)
  • Kilter Rural
  • KlimateNet
  • Koraï Africa
  • Kuyua
  • Land Life Company
  • LandBanking Group
  • Landscape Lab
  • Le Printemps des Terres
  • Legal representative of the Asociación Indígena Agro Pueblos
  • Lemu Earth SpA
  • Lestari Capital
  • Level
  • LIFE Institute
  • Living Carbon International
  • Loggerhead Instruments
  • Logos Capital
  • Marex Spectron International Incorporated
  • Marsden Jacob Associates
  • Matawai Bio
  • MaxBio
  • Maya Climate
  • Meo Carbon Solutions
  • Merge Impact
  • Mirova
  • MITCON Consultancy & Engineering Services Limited
  • Mosaic Aotearoa
  • Moss Earth
  • Mother Divine Vayu vaidya
  • Mozaic Earth
  • MRV Collective
  • Nadar
  • National Parks Conservation Association
  • Nattergal 
  • Natural Capital Exchange (NCX)
  • Natural Solutions
  • Natural State
  • Nature and People Foundation (NPF)
  • Nature Broking
  • Nature Finance Pioneers
  • NatureBridge
  • NatureFinance
  • NatureMetrics
  • NatureScot
  • Next Ecology LLC
  • Nigerian Youth Biodiversity Network
  • Nippon Koei Co.,Ltd.
  • NoArk Technologies
  • Nomica
  • Nori
  • Nova ei
  • NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust
  • Nui Ltd
  • Numerco
  • Nusanterra
  • Nutawa sagl
  • Ocean Eye
  • Ocean Wise
  • Oikobit LLC
  • Okala
  • Ol Pejeta Conservancy
  • One Earth
  • One planet summit 
  • OoNee
  • Open Earth
  • Open Forest Protocol
  • Organization for Biodiversity certificates
  • Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, Japan
  • Oxford policy management
  • Permanent Forum on Indigenous Peoples
  • Permutable AI
  • Petrobras
  • PF Olsen Ltd
  • Piligreen network
  • Pivotal
  • Plan Vivo Foundation
  • Planetary Vision
  • Plantet Positive Holdings Ltd
  • Plantlife International
  • Plockhugget
  • Plymouth Marine Laboratory
  • Poipoia
  • Pollination
  • Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC)
  • Posaidon Capital
  • Presidential Secretariat of Sri Lanka
  • Project Drawdown
  • Promethium Carbon
  • Qala Group
  • Qarlbo
  • Quarlbo
  • Queen Mary University of London
  • Queensland Trust For Nature (QTFN)
  • Rainforest Connection
  • Raukumara Pae Maunga
  • RebalanceEarth
  • Reef Restoration and Adaptation Programme
  • Regen Farmers Mutual
  • Regen Network Development
  • Regenerative Resources
  • Removall
  • Respira
  • Revalue Earth
  • rewild africa
  • Rewilding Africa CIC
  • Rewilding Europe
  • Rimba Raya Conservation
  • Rio Impact
  • Riverrecyle Oy
  • Rodale
  • Rplace
  • rrreefs
  • RSPB
  • Running Tide
  • S&P Global
  • Sabbio
  • Savimbo
  • Scottish Forum on Natural Capital
  • Seas The Opportunity
  • SecondMuse
  • SEED/Crowther Lab
  • Shamba Centre
  • Silver Fern Farms
  • Silverstrand Capital
  • Silvi
  • SimplexDNA
  • Simply Blue Group
  • Single.Earth
  • Sintropica Capital Natural
  • Skogr Kaupa Group AB
  • SLR consulting
  • Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
  • Soil Capital
  • SoilWater Ltd.
  • Soilytix
  • South African National Biodiversity Institute
  • South Coast NRM Inc
  • South of Scotland Enterprise
  • South Pole
  • South West Catchments Council
  • Superorganism
  • Sustainable Digital Finance
  • Sustainable Finance Coalition
  • Sustainable Surf
  • Sylva
  • TBN Atlantic Rainforest
  • Terra Focus
  • Terrain NRM
  • TerraPay
  • Terrasos
  • Thallo
  • The Biodiversity Consultancy
  • The Environment Bank Ltd.
  • The Lexicon
  • The Lifescape Project
  • The Long Run
  • The Longleaf Alliance
  • the Lyme Timber Co.
  • The Nature Conservancy
  • The Table Mountain Fund
  • The Wildlife Trusts
  • The Works Research Institute B.V.
  • The World Bank
  • TierraMar
  • Toha
  • Toha Network
  • Trafigura Foundation
  • Trafigura Foundation Additional contact
  • Translational leader
  • Treeconomy
  • Trees For Life
  • Trinity College Dublin
  • Triodos Bank
  • Triple Impacto
  • UCanGrow
  • UK Business and Biodiversity Forum
  • UMITO Partners
  • UNDP
  • UNDP Insurance and Risk Finance Facility
  • UNEP
  • Unique land use GmbH
  • Universidade de São Paulo -USP
  • Universidade Federal do Pará
  • University of East Anglia
  • University of Lincoln
  • University of Nottingham
  • ValueNature
  • Venda chief within the Makuya community located in the Limpopo Province of South Africa
  • veritree
  • Vibrant Planet
  • Viresco Solutions Inc
  • Viresco Solutions Inc.
  • Viridis Terra International
  • ViridisTerra
  • WEF
  • Western Cape Government: Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
  • Western Landowners Alliance
  • Westpac
  • Whinfell Partners |
  • Wilder Sensing
  • Wilderlands
  • Wilderness Foundation Africa
  • Wildlife Foundation
  • Wildlife Works
  • Wildmon
  • Women’s Climate Centers International (WCCI)
  • World University Service of Canada (WUSC)
  • WSP
  • WWF de
  • WWF Namibia
  • WWI Brasil
  • Xilva
  • Yale University School of the Environment
  • Zoological Society of London (ZSL)
  • Zulu Ecosystems
Gaurav Gupta
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